Chickpea Protein
Vegan Protein
- Nutty flavor and highly soluble with characteristic chickpea aroma
- Some applications include dairy-free yogurt, plant-based beverages, high-protein energy
bars, savory snacks, pastry, egg-free mayonnaise, meat substitutes, bakery, etc. - Possible pea alternative
- Available in conventional
Application Category
Sports Nutrition, Meat substitutes, RTD’s, Yogurt, Bars, Baked Goods, Snacks, Pastas, and Soups
BESTEIN™ Chickpea Protein
BESTEIN™ Chickpea (garbanzo bean) protein provides a variety of B vitamins, minerals, and soluble fiber. It contains all the essential amino acids, rich in lysine and arginine. Chickpeas are rich in several nutrients that may support brain health, including choline, magnesium, selenium, and zinc.*
Health Goals
Weight Management